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The Fort Worth Tornado of May 27, 2000

When the Fort Worth Tornado hit, I was at the time living in Bedford, Texas in the suburbs of the Midcities (between Fort Worth and Dallas).

I was at home at the time because of the weather and just didn't feel like doing anything much except watch some t.v., read a book, and basically, enjoy a lazy evening with my dog, Tasha.

I remember hearing the wind and the rain outside, but not thinking much of it...I mean...I was in Dallas-Fort Worth..what was going to happen?? Get hit by a tornado? That possible never struck me like it didn't strike all the other residents of the area. We knew that we were prone but not prone enough that it would happen...Much less go through the city of Fort Worth.

Things change that night and so did our perception.

Sure there may have been minor incidents but nothing that woke us up like May 27, 2000 did.

I remember going to the bedroom and turning on the radio when I heard the alert...Tornado on the Ground. To make things worst...It was on the ground just 10 minutes of my home.

By the time I ran from the radio to turn on the t.v., I was in the process of changing into a sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes. I figured...If this thing hits, shorts and a tank top isn't the most comfortable item to wear.

I grab the first aid kit, a blanket, the dog by the collar and threw them (not literally) into the bathroom (there was no storm shelter which would have been great right then and there...and ran into the living room...grab the remote...turn the t.v. to the news channel, turn it up loud...grab my cell phone and ran into the bathroom and with the dog, blanket, first aid kit and a bible (amazing how fast one can get in an emergency, plus it helped that being the worry wort I am, I prepared an emergency kit AHEAD any possible troubles). I huddled in the bathtub and prayed like I never prayed before.Time felt like it was passing forever, but my heart was saying...You wish, it's seconds here.

The tornado thankfully didn't hit the Midcities, but my older brother who lived in Arlington, Texas, experience a tornado that hit one street over from his.

I remembered hearing a distant roar...that's the only way I could describe it...My ears felt pressured like a million fingers jamming into them..and the low roar....Then just the sound of rain.

One tornado was enough. Unfortunately, they seem to be following me. I moved to Alvin, Texas, home of Nolan Ryan and just last Friday (September 7,2001) another F-2 (the Fort Worth Tornado was classified as an F-2) made it's way with a twin tornado through my new home area. My place was sandwiched betweened the two.


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